About Egylab

About The Event

Welcom to EgyLab Forum 28-29 Feb. 2024 Calling for abstracts for one of the major events in Laboratory Medicine Abstract title, Author and Affiliation should be clear in the topics of: Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology, Clinical Pathology , Diagnostic Hematology Fields of Physicians, Clinical Pharmacists, Clinical Pathologists, Chemical engineers and biomedical engineering are in concern of target participation. Key Dates  Call for abstract: 25 JAN 2024  Deadline for abstract submission: 31 JAN 2024  Abstract acceptance notification: 2 Feb. 2024 Presentation will be addressed as keynote lectures, clinical research, case study and posters as well as pharmaceutical seminars and interactive sessions Submit your abstract now: .............. • If you have any questions or difficulties with your submission, - Please contact the scientific committee through E-mail: mohammedabdelghany1@gmail.com - No more than two submissions as a first author will be accepted. - Registration free for presenters of accepted abstracts.



All delegates must register for the congress. Registration fees are as follows:  Until 15 March 2024  After 15 March 2024 On-site registration Full Registration €200,00 €250,00 Young Registration €150,00 €200,00 The full registration and young registration fees include: • entrance to plenary lectures, symposia, lunch & educational , exhibition • possibility to submit abstracts • certificate of attendance • coffee and tea service during intermissions

VISAS REQUIREMENTS Depending on the nationality of the delegates it may be necessary to obtain a visa before leaving. PERSONAL INVITATION FOR VISA PURPOSES An official letter of invitation will be sent to you upon request. The invitation letter may be used by visitors to raise travel funds or to obtain a visa, but is not a commitment on the part of the organisers to provide any financial support. Please contact the Organising Secretariat, mohammedabdelghany1@gmail.com, to request a letter of invitation.

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Benefits Of Our La Evento


Managing an event is hectic and exhaustive. Right from organic the planning Foods.


Drinks Managing an event is hectic and exhaustive. Right from the Drinks stage.


Photo Managing an event is hectic and exhaustive. Right from the planning booth.


Best Managing an event is hectic and exhaustive. Right from the Security planning.

Egylabs Forum AFCC


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